049: Waiting On You by Dancing Tommy I met Gabe of Dancing Tommy at the Folk Music Center open mic in Claremont over a year ago. I… Continue reading “049: Waiting On You by Dancing Tommy”…
047: Blue Holes by The Freestylers of Piping We’re getting a little nerdy this week with The Freestylers of Piping. I’ve known of this band for a few… Continue reading “047: Blue Holes by The Freestylers of Piping”…
046: Harvest Moon by Velodrone I was first made aware of this band at the Bicycats show I attended back in March, Zachary mentioned he… Continue reading “046: Harvest Moon by Velodrone”…
043: Just Alone by Aly Jett I first listened to “Just Alone” by Aly Jett on my drive home from guitar class just before the time… Continue reading “043: Just Alone by Aly Jett”…
042: Nice Guitar by The Black Heartthrobs The Internet is crazy and just starts sending you things after you follow certain people, bands, etc. That’s how I… Continue reading “042: Nice Guitar by The Black Heartthrobs”…
041: Money Grooves by Keo & Them ft. Greg Spero Around here there are two marks of a great song, it either cuts me deep in my pansa, or it… Continue reading “041: Money Grooves by Keo & Them ft. Greg Spero”…
036: Breeze on Through by Vox H Vox H was one of the other artists featured at the 4th Street Market I played back in February. Everyone… Continue reading “036: Breeze on Through by Vox H”…
034: Backseat Taxi by Robot Tennis Club We have our first repeat artist this week, sort of—not really. Robot Tennis Club is a three-piece band from Colorado.… Continue reading “034: Backseat Taxi by Robot Tennis Club”…
033: Little Brother by Francis Co. I met Francis Co. thanks to Greg Artavia‘s open mic at Bootlegger’s Brewery in Fullerton. I saw he had an… Continue reading “033: Little Brother by Francis Co.”…
032: Molly by Band of Wizards Shout out to fellow music lovers and the IG algorithm for bringing new music to my ears. Band of Wizards’… Continue reading “032: Molly by Band of Wizards”…